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Allan Murrell
1 article

My latest build a M1A2 SEP 1/72 Fly Hawk kit

June 23, 2017 · in Armor · · 8 · 2.6K

This was such a fun build and the detail for a kit was impressive. I only had a couple of issues with the kit:
1- some part number errors on the instructions, but these are easy to avoid as it is obvious where the errors are.
2- some parts are very small as expected and I did lose one.

I highly recommend the kit and look forward to building more of the Fly Hawk line

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Not familiar with that manufacturer, but it looks like a pretty nice kit and a pretty nice build as well.

  2. Wheww - lots of detail in 1/72! Seems like armor in that scale is even more daunting than aircraft...

  3. Ditto on what Greg said. And welcome.

  4. Allan a fine build and in 1/72,excellent,those tiny tracks must have been a nightmare.Cheers

  5. Nice details. Not familiar with Flyhawk. This has to be a good scale for a compact armour diorama.

  6. Nicely done, Allan. The model has details I've seen left off of bigger scale kits!

  7. Given the scale that is impressive. Two thumbs up.

  8. Great build on a little tank! I think I'll do the larger 1/35 Meng kit of this tank for my next MBT.

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