An introduction

July 2, 2017 · in Photo Collections · 14 · 1.7K

OK, since I'm new here I thought I just post an album of the models I've build so far instead making several articles.

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11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

14 responses

  1. Very nice collection Johan,good to see some armour,if all these are hand painted,full credit to you,seen some airbrushed that dont look as good well done mate,and thanks for posting and letting us see your fine work.

  2. Thank you very much πŸ™‚ And yes, all are brush painted. When I started modeling, I thought to myself that I would not buy an airbrush for some time, I had, and still have, a lot to learn. I'd rather be spending my money on kits. And, I like brush painting, pure and simple:)

  3. Nice work Johan,

    I am a brush painter too, and these fine examples make me want to see more. I especially like the Elephant dio. Is that the older Italieri kit?



    • Thank you, Gregor
      Yes, the Elephant is a old Italeri kit. I got that when I was a kid, some 30 years ago. It was somewhat ruined when I found it again, so I repainted it and made this wreck diorama.

  4. Welcome to iModeler, Johan...a very user-friendly site as you will soon learn. Those brush-painted examples are top-notch, sir. I don't use brush painting much (any more), nor have I used an airbrush very often (too much disassembly, cleaning, re-assembly, more cleaning, numerous color changes, etc., etc.). I find I can get "the look" I'm after in just about every case with rattle cans and a little creative 'creative' methods of masking techniques. Whatever the end result(s), it works for me. You have a knack for creating very convincing diorama scenes as well. Nice work, my friend. Looking forward to seeing more of your builds in the future.

    • Thanks:) I think I will enjoy this community. I got an Instagram account, but this will be a more interactive I think.
      As long you get the the look you want, there's no right or wrong method.

  5. Brush painting models is a lost art for some ...impressive Johan. Kind of like cheating the devil for those of us who have invested in air brushes,compressors,color cups and air hoses. Having a good set of paints and brushes is economical and leaves more money for kits.;)
    Keep up the good work.

  6. Great collection! Your brush painting intrigues me. I myself use rattle can. I've sometimes brushed painted, but I don't think I've gotten as good results as you.

  7. A great gallery Johan, and again - welcome to iModeler!

  8. Outstanding, Johan! Thanks for sharing.

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