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Josef Rössner
69 articles

Paiting F-14A

October 15, 2017 · in How-to · · 10 · 2.1K

On start i painted all plane Mr.Finishing Surface 1500 Black. Next steps identical for all colors. At first i painted some places Tamiya Xf-2 White, X-4 Blue a XF-64 Red Brown and at second i painted plane very thinned camo colours - Humbrol 127, 128 and 145. After drying all plane i sprayed Tamiya Clear X-22. Decals i used from Fightertown Decals. I washed plane bluegrey homemade oil wash. Next step was Humbrol Matt Cote. And at finish - some oil colour to dirty places. That all.

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10 responses

  1. Excellent little tutorial, Josef...a big help for those of us unfamiliar with the step-by-step process needed to get that 'look". Thanks.

  2. Nice, and pretty representative of the Tomcats I saw when I was in the Navy. Decent amount of weathering, but not over done!

  3. Oh I forgot to add I really like the panel variation of the upper surfaces. This comes from the irritating variance in the greys we used to get on the ship. We had the same problem in S-3s we had one bird I swear I wanted to call spot!

  4. Josef, thanks for the commentary about how you got the effect you wanted with the paints.

  5. Wow, thanks for the tip, I had seen the plane yesterday and wondered how these lighter patches came about! A great tutorial, thanks Josef.

  6. Nice attention to detail!

  7. Nice tutorial. No matter how long I've been modeling, I can always learn something new. Good job, Josef !

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