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Scott Nelson
135 articles

Advanced Tie Fighter X 1

November 4, 2017 · in Sci-fi · · 18 · 2K

I finally finished a kit! Even though I visit iModeler nearly every day, I haven't posted anything in quite a while having started a new job this school year that has kept me very busy. But, bit by bit, I kept at this one and present my Advanced .

This a great kit! It's a snap kit with excellent engineering. Although I glued mine, you could easily snap it together and it would have a tight fit.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. Certainly makes a change from Jugs, Scott! I have a 'back burner' project to do a 1/72 Me 262/X-Wing dogfight; probably never get it going but I think it'd look great.

  2. Nice work, I like the subtle texture this model has. Looks great

  3. I like it Scott

  4. Extremely well detailed for a snap-tite kit...I like it, too.

  5. The Force is strong in this one. Great job.

  6. Finished a kit at last he has...
    Nice work Scott,N.

  7. I haven't seen the TIE Advanced out yet and it looks great! You are correct, these are EXCELLENT kits no matter if they snap together. I'm almost done with my A-wing and am looking forward to finally having a nice Y-wing in the collection. (I just hope Bandai doesn't leave us hanging and releases a B-wing to round out the rebel fighters and a TIE bomber for the empire!)

  8. How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker had got him for Xmas? He felt his presents!
    Very nicely done mate!

  9. I was always wondering how they make exact scale out of tie fighter, do they have official imperial production blueprints, or they went to imperial aerospace museum and had one of these measured?

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