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Aaron Newlands
23 articles

FFG Imperial Assault AT-ST

December 1, 2017 · in Sci-fi · · 4 · 2K

As this piece is from a miniature game the build is quite rudimentary. A handful of parts snap together tightly and don't require glue. Overall its not too bad especially if space is a big limitation for you. It has decent detail though does not compare to the Bandai one. For two reasons. One the Bandai one is maybe a third bigger and with a load more parts allowing the increase in detail. Secondly this one being in a game is meant to be handled...a lot. If your playing it then you will be moving it on the map. It has to be sturdy and can't have things break off easily. Its design reflects that and detail here and there is lessened for it.

Painting was a couple of base colours and then loads of washes and dry brushing to try and give it a worn but not wore out appearance. Took longer than I expected to finish but it wasn't a stressful experience.

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3  Awesome

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4 responses

  1. Not my genre, Aaron. but it sure looks the part. 🙂

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