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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Seasons greetings, a year in review and more!

December 17, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 16 · 1.1K

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all that to all in iModeler land! I like doing , so maybe you guys could post your years out put as well. Also I have made progress on my Devastator, scratch building interior parts. The gunners seat was a challenge, but I think I got it close.

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16 responses

  1. Great models Rob, I only built 2... Maybe I should start drinking some of that ale. Merry Christmas mate, happy building 2018.

  2. Backatcha with the Seasoon's Greetings, Rob. 🙂

  3. Nice work Rob. Seasons greetings.

  4. Rob, that ought to be your Christmas card!

  5. And to you sir!. That tree looks familiar.

  6. LOL, "I never did think it was such a little bad tree"...My wife sent me this when I was overseas one Christmas.. I put it up every year!

  7. "Bad Little tree" mixed my words up!

  8. Nice assortment! My build plan vs. what I actually got done don't look like they came from the same brain! Well - perhaps that should be a lesson to self about attempting a "build plan!" When the lightning strikes, you just have to open the box and start sniffing glue, regardless of any prior commitments to self! I'll post my year in review today or tomorrow.

  9. My only plan for the year was to build the Red Baron and Lil Coffin over the summer, the rest was wingin' it!

  10. Merry Christmas! Great work on the scratch building and nice models over the year. I'm working on my year in review,will follow shortly.

  11. Merry Christmas Rob ! I enjoyed this post. Like the tree too ... I've had one like that too. 🙂

  12. Looking good Rob, and a merry Christmas to you and all iModelers as well.

  13. Happy Holidays, Rob!

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