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Pedro L. Rocha
41 articles

Bf.109 G-6: Getting a black eye

February 22, 2018 · in Aviation · · 21 · 2.6K

This is 's revised (and definitive) version of their quarter scale Messerschmitt 109 G-6. This machine was from a batch made by the Erla factory as the zigzag pattern of the camouflage of the wings.
The pilot of this colorful machine was Hauptman Wilhelm Lemke, from 9/JG 3.

Almost all markings including the striking yellow eyes and the spiral (but excluding the swastika) are painted. Hope you enjoy.

Next will be a Jap twin engine that is almost leaving the bench...

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Pedro, good looking (no pun intended) Beule. I like that rick-rack edging on the wing camo. Somehow, I was unaware of that 'til recently. Makes a nice change from the splinter.

    • Thank you for the comments Bernard. Yes I agree with you, the rick-rack edging is much more interesting than the plain straight edge lines, though they are more demanding to the wrist when it comes to pointing the airbrush

  2. I agree with Bernard... this looks very nice indeed. I really like how you captured the look of the zig zag pattern on the wings and tail. The weathering looks good too.
    Well done my friend.

  3. I really like the way it came out. The camouflage pattern looks amazing as well as the painted markings!

  4. Lovely work Pedro.

  5. Thank you for the comments David

  6. This is a great piece of work, Pedro. Out of interest, can you say approximately how many hours on the bench it took to complete her? I think it'd be interesting to get a sense of how much time people spend on their work, and I really like this Gustav.

    • That’s a very good question David, I often think about it myself when contemplentig other people’s work, not only the excellence often seen but the quantity presented...
      I estimate that I spent around 50 hours of good fun building this model, all during some 5 month span. The painting of the markings and weathering took around one third of this estimated time. Thanks for the nice comments!

      • It's interesting to look at the time division; some people love the construction but others see the building as something they tolerate in order to get to the painting.

        I worked out that if I applied my hourly rate during my 'Enterprise' build, I'd be at around $20,000 by now, and I still haven't finished. If you add the time I've spent on research and visiting iModeler, well, the term 'hobby' doesn't quite seem to cover it. I wonder how many pastimes give this amount of value in terms of pleasure.

        • I tend to view it as a health benefit too, David - losing yourself in a little research, learning new techniques and then the construction stage itself result in many a stress free hour!

  7. Nicely done camo and mottling. Definitely a striking scheme.

  8. Everyone already said what I was thinking...good work!

  9. Nice job. Great paint work.

  10. Excellent 109! Just simply looks great!

  11. There is a look to those later 109s that is hard to capture, Pedro - and using the scale effect you mention, you have nailed it. Very realistic!

  12. Brilliant 109, Pedro. I've lost count of the number of colour schemes these planes had, but this one is definitely one of the best.

  13. Well done Pedro, it really turned out well. Good looking 109 even with that black eye.

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