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Robert Royes
257 articles

More from the Museum of American Armor, Old Bethpage L.I. N.Y.

April 29, 2018 · in Photo Collections · · 5 · 1.6K

This is for all the armour guys. A nice museum. I think most of the equipment runs, They're having a WWII reenactment I beleave the weekend of May 19th.

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13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

5 responses

  1. Thanks for sharing the pics, stuff. By the way, what ever happened to the old Republic Aviation plant that used to be there...?

  2. That would be in Farmingdale L.I. The plant is long gone, replaced by what else, a shopping center, save one hanger that holds the Airpowers museum. Republic field exists as a small regional airport.

  3. Thanks for sharing the photos, Rob. Nice to see the models lined up under and beside the real subjects.

  4. Very nice pics, thanks for posting. It's sad that the factory where Kartveli's mighty F-105 was produced had to make place for walmart...

  5. Thanks for sharing these photos with us Robert. It looks like the rubber track cleats are about worn off on the Sherman. (But it's not like you can simply go to a local 7-11 store and pick up a complete set of Sherman tracks)

    Very cool posting indeed.

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