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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

There’s nobody here has a “problem" with their collection!

April 23, 2018 · in News · 27 · 1K

Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

27 responses

  1. As I suggested recently, everybody’s on the Screwball Scale somewhere, in this case a linear plod of mediocre skills worth more as scrap lead value than as any modelling trove.

    No commission bid from me...

  2. And THEN, where ya gonna PUT all that stuff...? Don't imagine they'll get any outrageous bids on it!

  3. Tom Cleaver, I can believe the story, and how it interests people, I can see how others might see it as being crazy, I can even understand (at least professionally) the obsession. But what in name of all that is holy are you doing reading the Daily Mail. You are an author, man!

  4. Ah. The "Sneaky Aussie did it" defence...

  5. Well, I'd commend the guy for trying. I wonder if HE did the work on the figures, etc. or if he simply purchased everything.
    If HE did the work, he never improved his skills much!

    David, what's wrong with the Daily Mail? I don't remember which publication, exactly but I remember the Page 3 gals being ... uh, interesting. It is surprising to see Tom reading a British "paper" but I'm not criticising. He is expanding his sphere of learning.

    I'm definitely high on the "Screwball Scale!" I'm not so much of a screwball to put in a bid, however. I agree with Rob on that!

  6. Made my day Guys: Tom with the news and all of you with the comments! 😀 Especially with the "Sneaky Aussie did it" defence which I will use from now on - Thanks!

  7. David, Tom, all: Great reading is essential for a successful life. Read on, friends!

  8. the "Daily Mail" is a tabloid rag, huh? Didn't know that.

  9. Craig, in my opinion it's the worst of two worlds; a rag with pretensions of status. Rob's observation of a Tory wife's reader is perfect.

  10. Just incredible. But the guy obviously ins't perfect. He blew the seams and that 1:48 a/, not that one, the other one..yeah, no...that one...

  11. "Blew the seams" may just become my new favourite phrase when things go FUBAR...

  12. Does a Sneaky Aussie trump a Sneaky Pete?

  13. A fantastic array of precious things - looks like he was enjoying himself !

  14. "... looks like he was enjoying himself !"

    I think all he REALLY did was enjoy wasting his money ... but I can be accused of that, if one wants to look at my stash, (although Bernie's puts mine to shame) my paints, brushes, tools, etc. I have amassed a LOT of model-making equipment , but with precious little work to show! I'm good with the comments here, but I can't criticise anyone for their progress ... or lack of same.

    VERY enjoyable! It says so right here on the label!

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