Painting freehand

May 24, 2018 · in Figures · · 13 · 1.6K

So this is my attempt at reproducing some for a . This belongs the family of Vallois. If anyone is interested I will post pictures of the finished piece once done!

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7  Awesome

13 responses

  1. Of course we're interested! Welcome onboard at iModeler. Your technique shown here is very impressive indeed. How's the "dirt" done?

    • Hey! Thanks for the kind words, once everything was painted, I stippled different shades of brown on the shield, lighter at the top, darker tones at the bottom, then using a slightly damp brush I dabbed at the paint until I had a random effect that I liked ?

  2. The best part about this 'reproduction' is that THEY did it "free hand" as well, so symmetry doesn't have to be perfect (but yours seems to be anyway) - lol. Welcome!

  3. Fantastic, Jay. Look forward to seeing the knight!

    • Many thanks, mine and my group of students versions will be appearing in a future issue of my digital magazine The Illustrated Historical Artist, but il be sure to post here too ?

      • Please do. I'm not the only one here who's thinking they need all the possible help out there with figures.

        This is really exciting, Jay - look forward to lots of posts.

  4. please do post! the shield looks great!

  5. I'm with the growing crowd - please post more! And welcome to iModeler, Jay!


    • Thanks Jeff, I was aware that it’s mainly scale modelling so never too sure how a figure painter would be received, but so far it’s been great!

      • One of my mates is a great figure painter, though more the Fantasy mode, and has won prizes at several of the international competitions. He’s given me a number of practical tips over two or three years now which I sometimes manage to put into practice - your techniques also remind me of his work.

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