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Zoltán Géczy
1 article

Volkssturm 1945

May 15, 2018 · in Diorama · · 7 · 3.1K

Images created during 2018 at the iModeler booth.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

7 responses

  1. Very nice Zoltan. You really have the eye for detail. Welcome to imodeler!

  2. Fantastic diorama, it captures the chaotic desperate measures of the nazi regime on its last days. I like it very much, congratulations Zoltán

  3. A unique scene indeed, sir...nicely presented - and welcome aboard.

  4. Fabulous build, a real snap-shot in time.

  5. Excellent dio! Love all the details.

  6. Very good work! I had a chance to see live in Moson and it's really a great show. Great!

  7. Very nice work with many details. Class!

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