HMB Endeavour, Cased
Some of you may recall my HMB Endeavour (refit) project from a few months ago.
After disappointment at the competition at the Milton Keynes show, it went on to win Best in Class and Best in Show at the West Norfolk IPMS Regionals a month later.
My wife then decided it should come out of its corner in my study and sit near the Royal Caroline in our front room. I ordered a bespoke dust case from DCS Showcases in Berkshire, and the boss delivered it to me personally this afternoon here in Norfolk.
It has a mirrored back section, which gives a great view of the activity to the rear of the diorama (apologies for my ugly mug in shot).
Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of images of the project now on formal view.
I liked it before; I like it more now. Outstanding work, Rob. Congratulations on the well-deserved "Best In Show/Best In Class" awards.
Thanks, Jeff. Didn't mean to sound like I was bragging, just nice to see things come full circle, so to speak.
Sometimes you have to mug for the camera...
The disappointment at the Milton Keynes show...the competition must have been fierce and down to the wire.
Rob will there be anymore photo's ? Two photos for those of us who have to wear cheaters and use magnifiers and do some imagineering with photos would appreciate seeing more photos of that winner at West Norfolk IPMS Regionals . It never hurts to crow a little. Maybe some of us could learn a thing or two through osmosis.
Congratulations on your win and having a worthy case to display it in.
Very kind comments, Stephen. The final project photos are here.
What a way to show of this great model! I agree with your other half: A hobby like this and the results you are able book should not be hidden from anyone in the house! I also have a cabinet in the living room where I rotate my latest builds.
Cheers, Michel. The trouble with these ships is they're space-hungry. This is my fourth, and, sadly, the last.
What a fantastic result. You, sir, are the proverbial "glutton for punishment" by undertaking such builds. My hat's off to ya!
Cheers, Craig.
Well Rob, it deserved that case and pride of place on display. Congratulations also on the well-deserved awards (and on that marvellous shirt!).
Thanks, Paul, ?
It's truly impressive! Congrat for the best/best awards
well deserved!
Thanks, Gabor.
IT SURE IS A STUNNING DIORAMA. It deserve all the accolades bestowed upon it ! It looks even better displayed in its own case.
Cheers, Morne. Thanks very much!
Hello Rob,
Disappointment not needed. It is a beautiful model that deserves to be seen.
Taking part in competitions; If I participate in a competition, I know for sure, the model will be looked at by almost all the visitors. That should be the most important.
If you focus on the prize, it will be more and more disappointing. Not good for the blood pressure!. Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.
Maybe the most uplifting thing was when a guy came over to the stand where the model was displayed and said, “I know that ship! You were at Milton Keynes, right?” We then talked about it for twenty minutes or so.
It’s not all about competition, and you have to accept the bumps along the way.