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Brian Scott
78 articles

1/48 Royal Resin Wheels

October 14, 2018 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.4K

Not sure if many people have seen our used the Royal Resin wheels . These are best resin wheels i have seen. Doug takes the kit wheels and clean them up and add tread to them. They are beautiful cast. A must have . I have several sets 🙂

44025020_276048583247945_324020613507186688_o by b007scott, on Flickr

43952604_276048809914589_2245107391349653504_o by b007scott, on Flickr

43951629_276048459914624_5725956399372959744_o by b007scott, on Flickr


Reader reactions:
2  Awesome

4 responses

  1. I have and they are excellent and at a great price point. I have a set for the Monogram A-10 and the Hase F-104G. Not over deflated or bulged as some are, and I use them to replace wheels that are not as detailed or have an issue. Nice review Brian, thanks for sharing.

  2. Yeah...they DO look pretty nice at that ! Thanks. 🙂

  3. They sure look great!

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