Battlestar Galactica (Newer Version) Cylon Centuion, Cylon Raider, Apollo’s Viper MK VII, Battlestar Galactica, and Starbucks Viper MK II
I loved the first series of Battlestar Galactica when I was a kid. When they re-did the series in 2004-2009 I was very busy with school work for college, and did not watch it. I did get to finally see it about a year ago on video. When I saw these model kits made by Moebius, I had to buy them. I really enjoyed building and painting them. The Centurion is huge 14 inches tall. He does not fit on my display shelves. LOL. The Cylon Raider ship is very menacing looking. Apollo's Viper MK VII looks very sleek and powerful. The Battlestar Galactica herself has seen ,many battles. Starbuck is a great pilot in her Viper MK II.
WOW! What a great amazing collection you have in there John!
Correct me if I'm wrong but I guess they are not all the same scale, right?
Not even mentioning the Centurion, which is obviously of a much larger scale than the ships.
All these are made by Moebius?
Yes all made by Moebius. I think that Centurion is 1/6 scale. I don't remember the scales of the others. Thanks
“This has all happened before and will all happen again”
So Say We All!
Wow ! , I had a go at that Viper and got so frustrated with it ,it became one of only two kits that I smashed to bits and binned, so Kudos to you for not just finishing it but making a stellar job of it (pardon the pun!)
I bet it was the back end that did you in Neil. It was no small feat. You have to assemble the whole back end dry fitting the engines, wings, tail piece and stabilizer, then add the glue. It was a real b***h.
Nice work John. The reimagined BattleStar Galactica was some of the best Sci Fi ever, well at least up to the final season. Glad to see another fan.
It was the best sci fi on TV for years. I loved that story and I binged that. I get insomnia and am up all night sometimes. I was so glad to be able to watch BSG, sometimes 5 episodes back to back. LOL. It was addicting.
Not a big fan of Sci-Fi, but these examples look GREAT!
Thanks Craig
Never mind sci-fi, this was one of the best TV shows, period. Ed Olmos (who plays Bill Adams in the show) famously told the producers, “you bring aliens into this show and I walk” - it was a great position to take. A sci-fi show with no monsters, no little green men, no exotic planets. Just drama and great storylines. Brilliant.
It was the age old question, what makes one human? Also the theme of Blade Runner, which had Olmos in it too.
Based on a Philip K. Dick book, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Great book, I read it as a teenager, and saw the film in 82.
Very nice builds!
Thanks Robert