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Robert Royes
257 articles

JRB Willow Grove PA. transient line, plus.More photos from the before time.

October 25, 2018 · in Photo Collections · · 8 · 1.4K

This some of the fun that could show up at the transient line at my last Navy reserve location. Then the Saratoga after her decommissioning in the mid nineties,The last,a Humvee and me.

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4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Fantastic shots Robert, wonderful to see the Saratoga. The last shot is a beast...and so is the Humvee...

  2. Great to see these Rob!
    They give a kind of personal touch to these machines, the Saratoga particularly.

  3. Don't see too many auto-gyros anymore, huh...? 🙂
    Thanks for the pics.

  4. Like Craig, I'm surprised to see an autogyro. Great photos, Robert; thanks for sharing!

  5. You know you're old when the ships of your youth are no more or sitting in museums.

  6. Aye, of all the aircraft and ships I've been associated with, there's only one still in service,.

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