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Boris Rakic
72 articles

Video: Takom 1/72 V-2 Rocket, Hanomag SS100, Meilerwagen

October 6, 2018 · in Armor · · 10 · 3.2K

I always enjoy the videos on PLASMOS's Youtube channel, and they provide lots of ideas on how to finish your models. His latest video is a very nice review and video build of Takom's V-2 and its tractor. · on youtube

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10 responses

  1. Yeah PLASMO rules! I like his accent too! This V2 business is always very impressive in the display case, like WWII sci-fi!

  2. Like Michel, I’m a big fan of Plasmo and his brilliant accent. I could listen to him reading a dictionary.

  3. First time I see this video build, thanks for bringing it up Boris. Got several useful tips that can be used on aircraftweathering also

  4. He indeed has an amazing channel, I got a lot of inspiration from his work. I hope once we will meet personally somewhere.

  5. I looked into building this, in the 1/35 version, a year or so back, but I then came across a guy in Holland who was part of a V2 Special Interest Group for all things to do with the rocket and transport. He took the kit and effectively took it to pieces and rebuilt it “correctly”. It was amazing, but made me think unless I went to the same lengths I’d never be satisfied with just building and weathering the kit, so I left it.

    I’ve seen a few of the standard kits built up though and they look fine, but I wasn’t tempted again.

    • Seeing your WW1 builds in 1/72, that Dutch guy must be a Über rivet counter to win you down Rob 🙂
      Personally I would build it, who cares someone else does it better?

      • Nor so much rivet counting as correcting size and locations of transmission units, electrical and hydraulic units, with attendant wiring and piping. He just detailed it against actual photos and you could see the difference (and the benefit) immediately.

        Plenty of these built since hitting the market, so I’m sure Takom isn’t losing any sleep over me not taking up the build.

  6. Fantastic looking build, Boris..I really like that!

  7. David Damek is fascinating to watch...also hanger 182

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