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Dale Jackson
2 articles

1/650 AMT USS Enterprise 50th Anniversary model

November 13, 2018 · in Sci-fi · · 8 · 3.4K

For the most part, I'm almost done with this kit, but I wanted to go ahead and photograph it. I still have yet to paint some details on it such as the end of the warp nacelles and so forth, so it's about 98% complete.

Definitely an old kit and it had some serious fit issues. I really hate sanding, and I had to do a ton of it on this model. I just built it straight out of the box and after priming it in a light grey, I airbrushed Imperial JN Grey - TAMXF12 over it. I also coated it with Tamiya pearl gloss before applying decals.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. You've made this ancient kit shine. A lot of work taking off the upper hull grid.

  2. These photos are beafutiful, congratulations, and the model definitely is a quality work.

    • Thank you! I've got a big 1/350 Enterprise Refit I'm working on. It's ver. 1 of the old Polar Lights kit so it's almost 10 years old now and I have Trek Modeler's lighting kit in it. I need to finish it as I've been moving around quite a bit and it's been unfinished for years.

  3. Anyone who builds an original Enterprise (well, excepting the CV-6) is a good man. Great build, Dale. Thereā€™s a nice battlesarred ā€˜four and a half years into a five year missionā€™ feel about her.


    • Thanks! yeah, I actually messed up on there, and then weathered it to look like there's a patch. So, you said it just right! think of it as a battle scar, heaven knows the TOS ship went through a lot in her lifetime! It would be hard to say she was always pristine even in space!

  4. Ah, on the one Iā€™m building...

    ...Iā€™ve had to take several ā€˜evasive actionsā€™ with a razor saw because of led screw ups. Lessons from the Kobayashi Maru manoever - if you canā€™t win, change the game.

  5. Dale,
    Man, that looks really good! The weathering is just right to me. Also great job painting the bussard intake collector (hope i have that right...)
    How do you like the Tamiya pearl gloss effect?

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