modified Capt Morgan’s pirate ship 1:130
I seen this kit and since it was cheap I decided to build. At first, followed the instructions but as I further got into it, decided to change the ship. In my opinion the picture of the ship looked cartoonish more on the movie style of a pirate ship. Instead I tried to make it more inline of what it may have looked like in the 15th century. During Elizabeth l era, the invasion of England by Spain. What you think?
Any comments, suggestions, questions and or free advice gladly accepted.
Nice build. Looks good. Compared to the other rigging the plastic-shrouds look too massive. To make them of rigging-thread would take lots of time and patience. (I did that 40 years ago on a wooden kit in 1:67)
Thanks Hans
my first tall ship I've ever build just on a try to see if I would like building this type.
Looks convincing to me! Good job.
Thanks Robert
As I said to Hans just a try out to see if it would be something further I may try.
Not those many sailing ships, in here.
Congrats, Rick! (@grjacobs123)
I love those old looking sailing ships! Never built one of these, but I guess I wouldn't mind trying one. In a good scale (and yours seems to be quite reasonable) it should be a nice build (how long did you take for yours?) .
Is it in plastic, or wood? What scale is it? How did you paint it to make it look so natural, so convincing?
Hello Adolfo
Thanks for your comment.
The scale is 1:130 like your thinking I did it on a try to see if I would like to build this type of ship. Took me about 2 week to complete as a side project. It is plastic and hand painted, very cheap kit something a person may buy to complete as a project with their offspring, example father- young son type project.
Glad you like it, was a good easy build.
Thanks a lot for the reply Rick! (@grjacobs123) .
It's a very nice model!
Even the sails are plastic?
Very convincing paint work!