An-12BK, Roden, 1/72
Hello dears! Recently finished another model. It is a model of the Antonov An-12БК. Now these planes are no longer being built, but some of them are still flying. This model of the aircraft Muscovy (Russia). Model from the manufacturer Roden in 1/72 scale. I had to putty a lot. Painted on masks, used homemade decals. At the time of photographing on the screws blew a Hairdryer to rotate. I hope the model will leave you a good impression.
Whoa, like swallowing a good stiff drink...
Looking at all of the photos and getting drunk on eye candy. Some fantastic painting and construction with lots of delicate
small pieces and an eye for detail on this build. I can't say that your build is a slam dunk but, whoa this build is close to the rim (you've got my vote) for "Model of the Month". Some real strong work. Your the man...for the hour,day or week.
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more of your work.
I'd write three thumbs up but, I only have two.
Your modeling skills are top-notch, Dmitry. The finished model is outstanding!
Wow, Dmitry- you have knocked it out of the park again. That is beautiful as usual.
Dmitry, that's fantastic. To look at the finished work, one would never think you had to go through what you did to get there. Construction is first-class, painting and weathering is most realistic. A hard-working cargo plane. Superb!
Gentlemen, thank you for your attention to work! I am very pleased with your feedback. Stephen, you said that well about the drinks. ))))
Beautiful build,and with the detailed interior!
Looks good Dmitry, lovely detailing, nice pic's, well done.
Very impressive! I like your trick with the hairdryer. I’d be scared incase I blew small parts off never to be seen again.
Very impressive work there Dmitry, for sure it is a very interesting model.
The paint job on it is very sharp and clean.
Every thing you do leaves an impression! I love the way you made those rivets pop - just adds so much detail, especially for the scale.
Colleagues, I am very touched by your pleasant words about my work. It is always a pleasure to read such reviews from fellow modelers who make their own models perfectly. Thank you!
This is a true masterpiece, outstanding work! Also taking into account the famous Roden's quality. Замечательная модель вышла, поздравляю!
Wow! Even in Russian! Thanks, friend! ))
Fabulous Dimitry, looking at those four props turning,I can almost hear the turbo prop engines howling!
Great interior and weathering.
To spin with a hair dryer screws the plane - very interesting. I advise you to try. It returns to my childhood ))))
Hello Dmitry, looks fantastic, congratulations! i'm a huge fan of Antonov cargo planes, so your build is a real feast for my eyes...thanks
Hi! Unexpectedly and it is very pleasant to learn that there are fans of Antonov's cargo planes.
hello Dmitry, they are quite famous here in Hungary, mostly the An-24V and An-26 models ("Ancsa" as we mostly call them) which were used by HunAF. it's among my future plans to build both planes in 1/72...and just for the fun's sake, it's me in the middle of "1:1 modelling" of a former HunAF An-24V, doing some interior works a few weeks earlier
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Hello! Let me Express my appreciation and respect for this work. You did good!
EXCELLENT job on this Dmitry! Your work on the "smoking rivets" is very convincing! As a fan of Russian aircraft this one of these might be breaking my 1/48 only edict. Soviet era transports (and even airliners like the Tu-134) look so cool with the glazed noses. I've always wondered why the Cub sat so high off of the ground and also didn't have a boarding ramp that lowers though.
Thanks! I didn't really understand the question about the ladder.