Review: Revell 1/48 Bristol Beaufighter TF.X In-box Review pt 1
This article is part of a series:
So here is the new tool Revell Beaufighter TF.X. I just recently built the Tamiya Beaufighter Mk VI for the RAF GB and it was a blast. The engineering in this is quite amazing from Tamiya, everything just clicked as it should. Still have to build it though, it does not build itself. So since 1997 when Tamiya's Beaus came on scene with 2 other versions they have been the definitive kits and probably still are. The only disappointment is not having a Mk 1 still from Tamiya and sadly from Revell. Though it does appear that this may be something too look forward to in the near future.
Anyway let see what is in the box.
188 parts in light grey plastic. And a clear sprue. In the current Revell open ended box, which is a pain. Don't like this type of box.
But what is nice to see is a revamped instruction booklet in color. Will get into more detail on that later.
A decal sheet for 2 versions of the TF.X with some stenciling.
The fuselage sprue shows a bit of a difference compared to the Tamiya fuselage. And when I do a build review later on, I will do a comparison with the Tam TF.X kit. Inside of the fuselage halves are well done stringers and small avionic components molded along the RH side cockpit. Though it could use more electronic components to busy the interior a bit.
Now the horizontal tail sprue. Two style of horizontal V-tails are offered, with (darn no straight tail for a Mk.1) but this is a TF.X so lets keep check out the different versions. First thing to notice is the separate flying surfaces. Tamiya does not have this option, the tails are halves but moulded as one tail Left and Right. The Revell kit is a single unit assembled with pose able parts.
Here a closer look at the 2 types. You can see the difference in a design change where the horizontal tail on the left has a straight tail into a gentle curve towards the outer edge where as the RH tail has a kink in it. I am sure there is a more accurate term for the change.
Next is the fin fillet insert that mounts in front of the rudder. If you use this piece make sure to round off the very forward edge as it meets the fuselage, it is not a sharp point as the part is moulded.
2 small sprues are within the kit, the first one are the tail wheel halves. The Tam kit this part is molded with the tail wheel as one piece. The second small sprue contains the rearward bulkhead/component rack. There is an option where this bulkhead is solid with no rack. This part is not shown in the instructions. More evidence that shows Revell has more than one version in the works
The wings can be assembled with the ability to drop the flaps and pose the ailerons, another point in the kit that Tamiya does not offer. Also the landing lamp has some good detail within the housing itself. Nice touch. There is some nice details added to the under side of the upper wing halves for the flaps when lowered.
The next sprue contains interior and the landing gear bay interior.
The side wing cover inserts that will be installed on each fuselage half. Some can say nice detail or others will say more parts to attach when it could just have been moulded with the fuselage like the Tamiya kit.
2 instrument panels are offered though only one is shown in the instructions. The pilots one piece side consoles. The control yoke. Looks nice and the heating ducting is also included for the pilot and navigator compartment.
Thats it for part 1. Part 2 to follow
Fly Navy
Me want one! Thanks for the great review.
Thanks Marvin, look for part 2. It will not build as easy as the Tam kit, however it does have it's good points. Remember this a Revell kit with all of its typical quirks about it. Don't let that stop you from building a good model. Have fun.
I read Tom Cleaver's Revell Beaufighter kit review back in November, and I wanted one then.
Here's a link to what Mr. Cleaver said about the kit. I hope you don't mind my posting the link to his article.
Now after reading your comprehensive review, (and looking more closely at the pictures that you provided), it has peaked my interest even further.
Like Marvin, Now I definitely want one of these too !
I'll be looking forward to seeing Part 2...
Thanks, and "liked".
I'm also thinking about writing a few more kit reviews on the newer Revell releases. I have quite a few of their new 1/32 scale kits in the stash. The new tool P-51D, He-219 (which is huge in 1/32), He-111, (and Ju-88) and the Me-262 all look to be fabulous kits. The 109's and 190's are not too shabby either...
First I have to finish up the Spitfires for the 100 Years of the RAF though...
Thanks again Chuck.
Thanks Louis, I had actually quoted part of that in my initial review as a reminder to those, don't judge a book by it's cover. But it was removed. (not by me) Get the kit, open it , build the model and then either praise or criticize it's good and bad points. Don't trash it, be honest and open about it. If you can't build it or it's unbuildable for you just put it aside. It's a Revell kit what does one expect? It's not Tamiya. Simple.
Oh wow... I didn't know about the removal. Sorry to bring this up then.
Your review looks to be fair and honest. What more can you ask for ? I'll be getting the kit soon. I like what I saw written about it.
Tamiya has the fit and finish part pretty much down to a science. It's going to be hard for another company to compete with how they engineer their kits, even more so with the recent models. The new tool BF-109 and the Spitfire Mk 1 are real beauties, and I like how they have taken the landing gear and made it almost fool proof.
Revell has sadly gone bankrupt, but luckily for us Revell of Germany is still here.
We as modelers ask for certain things. The manufacturers get them to us... and we promptly bash them to bits by saying "this is too short" or "they didn't capture the look of this just right". Another one is "It's too long or too short by "X" dimensions, or it's simply garbage.
Sad really... when you take into consideration all that goes into making a modern model kit, and then add in the logistics and marketing.