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Michael Ezat
2 articles

1/32 old Hasegawa Me 262 (part 1 , reset , scribing , re-riveting)

March 17, 2019 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2K

Hello fellows ! This is my first article here , as I am the new kid in town in this community . The last two weeks I have been watching the events with interest and I see that here is doing really good work . So I get the courage to start my article about the old (somewhere from mid '70's if I remember well) . This kit is a typical for this era good kit in terms of its external dimensions and shape as well as their basic details . It's a very good basis for the scratch builder to keep just some very essential parts (fuselage , wings , engines) and build everything else from the beginning .

This is what I have in my mind : a total resetting of the main parts using sandpaper and primer , rescribing all the panel lines , re-riveting , scratching whatever I can scratch and fill in the rest with as few as possible after market goodies (photo etched , resin etc) .

I have not choose any paint scheme yet , I will find one in the way , either a green or gray , everything that suits me well in my eyes !

Unfortunately I have not much time for my (our) hobby , only some hours in week ends , so this will be a long time building (and article) .

Here are the first pictures from where am I now . All the details have gone from fuselage , wings , tail , engines nacelles and then shutting with a light hand of primer .

Then , with all my favorite tools (rulers , riveters , scribers , panel templates etc) I start giving some life to the surfaces .

I know , the Me 262 have not all their lines so visible because of the putting on for aerodynamic purpose , but in this case I will approach my theme most artistic (full panel lines, highlighted) then realistic (no panel lines at all) .

That's all for now , next update , on next week end .

Thank you for looking , any comments are highly appreciated and very welcomed .

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2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Nice to ‘meet’ you, Michael. A great choice of subject, one of my favourites. I’ll keep an eye open for updates, I know the feeling of being a weekend warrior when it comes to modeling.

    Good luck, ‘see’ you soon.

  2. Looks like you've got pretty much everything you'll need for the job and off to a great start. Welcome to the forum - good to have ya. 🙂

  3. Thank you for your kindly words .It's nice to have such a good company ! 🙂

  4. Welcome aboard... You have certainly picked a fabulous plane to build. Please keep us posted with updates.

  5. Welcome, looks like an interesting build!

  6. Looking good. You sure have more gumption than me tackling a project like this.

  7. Welcome on board Michael, I also struggle to find time for my hobby .Looking forward to seeing this take shape. I love the 262.

  8. Welcome Michael, this kit brings back memories. I am also a weekend builder as well. So I know ow precious bench time can be. This was the first weekend that we didn't get any rain and it wasn't so cold. And this is So. Cal, and we normally have good temps to work, not this year so far. So looking forward to your progress.

  9. Hi, Michael... I well remember this model from a long time ago, so I look forward to see the end result of your work on this one. You certainly like a challenge, it seems, so I think you'll fit in here just fine.

    Kindest regards,


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