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Andrey Rybushkin
6 articles

Medium-A Whippet 1/35 Accurate Armour

April 28, 2019 · in Armor · · 3 · 1.8K

Good evening!
I bought this a long time ago when TAKOM and MENG had not yet presented their plastic kits .
I was very disappointed with the poor quality of the kit parts. I removed the box away, that would not come across. A few years later I discovered the Mk. A Whippet in his reserves and decided to bring it to the level of painting, using a lot of hand-made parts and resin copies from plastic parts of tanks from other companies.
The model was made in November 2016.

With all respect, Andrey.

Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

3 responses

  1. One of the better examples of that vehicle I've seen built. Nice work.

  2. What a great piece of work. Love the paint and weathering, and all your added details that make it come alive.
    PS. I'm copying your painting stand with the corrugated cardboard, what a nifty idea.

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