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George Johnson
73 articles

My day at the National Air and Space Museum

April 26, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.9K

I delivered my model of the Horten Ho-229 to the Smithsonian yesterday. It was quite a thrill to tour the restoration shop and talk to the very talented people that work there. I got to see their He-219 Uhu, MArtin B-26 bomber "Flak Bait", Apollo artifacts including a lunar rover, a U-2, EA-6B and much more. And, above all else, I got to see the Horten in person. It was nice getting there before the museum opened and meeting folks. I signed over the model and now the Smithsonian is the proud owner of a miniature Ho-229 that will complement the current display.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

5 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. It’s a great thing to see this post, George. Having followed your work on the threads at iModeler, to hearing the news of your work being displayed, to seeing you in the hallowed halls - it’s been terrific.

    Well done. And well deserved.

  2. Dang George, in the second photo you look a bit like Jeff Goldblum with those glasses! Congratulations on getting your model displayed at the NASM!

    • Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.Thanks. You know, I get the Jeff stuff all the time. I've been given free donuts in Chicago, rental cars upgrades, got stopped by two beat cops in L.A. thinking I was Jeff Goldblum.

  3. That's great, George. Going back down to the museum will be on my short bucket list. Cant wait to see your display. Congrats, again on a well deserved honor.

  4. I can but only echo the above sentiments, George...good for you !
    BUT - you went to the NASM and THAT'S all the pics we get !? 🙁

  5. Totally cool, George. Well deserved.

  6. Absolutely brilliant, George. One of the best models we have seen on iM, and beyond! This certainly puts you up there with best! Exactly the recognition this deserved!

  7. Mr. Goldblum ... I mean, George this is awesome! Congratulations on this stellar achievement. Thanks for sharing, but like Craig wrote - I sure wish you'd let us see MORE photos.

  8. Thank you all very much. I'll put up more photos soon.

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