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Allan J Withers
204 articles

MiG 29 “Fulcrum”, 28, Sokoly Rossii “Falcons of Russia”, 65th anniversary SSFR Lipetsk 2006.

1/72 boxing of kit, decals, finished in Tamiya and MM enamels custom mix with Pledge over decals, started in 2015, finished for the , more details and pic's there.

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Allan, if it is 1/72 and needs some serious decals and/or masking, you are the go to modeller! Stunning as ever!

  2. Beautifully done, Allan!

  3. now that's sweet

  4. Hello Allan,
    Excellent model and the (paint) finish is superb. Not to mention the small scale it was finished in.
    Dirk / The Netherlands.

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