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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

Rockin' 'n' rollin' in the City of Lost Angles

July 6, 2019 · in News · 15 · 1.5K

Well, my black kitties are keeping all well here in the City of Lost Angles, where 2 hours ago we had a 7.1 “aftershock” to a 6.4 earthquake yesterday that is now being called a “pre-shock.” (on the logarithmic Richter scale, tonight's was about 500 times stronger than yesterday) Epicenter is fortunately about 125 miles NNE of here, around NAS China Lake in the Owens Valley, south of the Mammoth Mountain ski resort. Our first major seismic activity since “the big one” back in 1994 (7.2, epicenter about 6 miles north of Le Chateau du Chat - rockin' 'n' rollin' and shiverin' 'n' shakin'). Yours truly was “rockin’ ‘n’ rollin’ here several seconds longer than expected – no damage to models though (had a friend back in '94 who had gotten a beautiful glass case six months before for all his models, that went over face first, turning the living room into a wonderland of shattered glass and broken plastic).

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

15 responses

  1. Wow! glad to hear you are okay Tom! I hope there are no more earthquakes for the forseeable future and things calm down after that one.
    Best wishes to you and yours en "chateau du chat"!

  2. Glad your ok Tom, and glad my family are over in Florida, but that will change in hurricane season!

  3. Hold on tight, remember things can be replaced not your life.

  4. Saw this on the news. Immediate thought was: hope Tom and his models are safe and sound. Keep safe Tom!

  5. Yeah, mother nature tends to promote Shock and Awe with out the long drawn out drama of T.V.. Its over and done in seconds and your left to pickup the pieces. Models become rather insignificant and loved ones and a roof over your head become the priority. I always think of a model that has been lost to natural causes gravity, inept fingers, and Cats as a opportunity to get another model and correct all of those perceived flaws that you intended to correct the first time. After all they are plastic its the emotional attachments that you can't hold or feel in your hands that you can let go of...

    For every door closed a new one will be opened. With a new adventure and excitement.

    Models be damned and praise to the writer and thinkerrr who makes them thats what counts in life. Things wouldn't be the same with out you TC.

    By the way Black Cats are way cool. We had a guest cat with a spiked collar ...not my idea. But she was one cool cat. Why people have to demonize these guys is beyond me. Black is Beautiful as the saying goes.

  6. Thanks for the good wishes guys. My writing partner, who came to LA six years ago, and so has never experienced an earthquake, was "all shook up" as they say.

  7. Stay safe, Tom!

  8. Stay cool, TC. 7.1 is a real wake up call, no?

  9. Thanks for the heads-up Tom. Glad all is fine with you!

  10. Good to hear you and the kitties are well.

  11. Glad to hear you weathered this one, hopefully the “these things happen in 3’s” rule is not in effect. The bazillion aftershocks not counting of course.
    Stay safe.

  12. Great news that you & yours are weathering the shocks well, Tom.

  13. Hey Tom, glad to hear you are Ok, hang on tight and keep safe.

  14. Glad to know everything is ok Tom. We rolled pretty good here in Vegas.
    And your friends experience is why you use wall anchors!

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