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Pedro L. Rocha
41 articles

Dragon Ju 88 G-6: The Berlin Effect

August 30, 2019 · in Aviation · · 20 · 4.3K

By chance, or should I say, by Google app I managed to retrieve some long lost photos of the Junkers 88 nightfighter I did back in early 2013 or so. This kit had a resin nose from Quickboost in order to replicate one of the few “Berlin” radar domes Junkers used in the last few months of WW2. Aerodynamically speaking it was a clear step forward but too late to have any impact on the course of battle.

The kit is the original box issued by in the nineties and the decals came from a superb AIMS decal sheet. Wheels and spinners are also AM products as is the rear facing MG. The “Schräge Musik” oblique 20 mm canons are scratch made with fine needles and putty.

Painted with Vallejo (76 shades) and Gunze (75 and 82). Hope you enjoy and motivates anyone who has the newer 88/217 nightfighters from ICM to get them build

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

8 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Looks good, Pedro - I like it . 🙂

    • Thanks Craig, glad you like it. This is one of the few kits for the early 10’s that I’ve enjoyed most, so it was irresistible to post the photos that I believed long lost in the cyber clouds

  2. Great job on this Pedro. The cockpit and paint work are top notch!

    • Thanks for the compliments Dale! If I was to build this kit again, the paint work would probably be a copy paste, but the cockpit I would definitely change things a bit

  3. What a fantastic build ! I like everything about this one...

  4. Excellent and unusual variant of the Ju-88. I believe this may be the first one of this version seen built up in any scale. Well done Pedro.

  5. For all its perceived flaws Pedro you've made the kit look easy. Some strong work and a smart tight paint job makes this kit look even better. The build has that sinister look and feel of a night fighter. The new nose ...I wonder if the Germans where influenced by the radar dome of the Mosquito. There seems to be a similarity.

    Two thumbs up.

  6. Thanks for the kind words Stephen.
    I share your believe that this nose radome was “inspired” by the British design seen on Mosquitos NFs

  7. Top build !
    Fantastic looking aircraft ,one of my favorite night fighter types

  8. Beautiful work, Pedro! I am taken by the exhausts immediately - but the overall scheme is very very well done!

  9. Really nice work here, Pedro, on a sub-type not often seen. I like this a lot.

  10. A beauty! Love those night fighter schemes.

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