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Michael Booth
33 articles

Mirage Hobby 1/48 PZL.43

August 13, 2019 · in Aviation · 7 · 3.6K

The PZL.43 was the export version to the PZL.23, all but two were sent out before the Polish invasion, this being one of them, being shot down and belly landing in a field.

Well I can say this reconnaissance aircraft really did give me a bit of hassle when it came to building at the start! The only problem's I found with the kit was the lack of where things went in the cockpit, the instrument panel was too big and the front fuselage didn't line up (So clamps it was!) But in the long run it turned out a nice project.

Paint used was Tamiya yellows and greys for pre-shading various panels and XF-23 underside blue and XF-51 Khaki

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10  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. It's always nice to see models of lesser known subjects.
    Nice build!
    Thanks for posting.

  2. Nice work, my friend...VERY nice work.

  3. Wow! Really excellent work and a great result.

    I have one of these, consigned to the Shelf of Doom about 1/3 of the way through, so I have a pretty good idea of the really serious effort that is shown here to get this result. Super work!

  4. An excellent result regardless of the difficulties. I really like it.

  5. Hello Michael,
    Excellent build. Regards, Dirk

  6. That is one industrial-strength looking airplane. More than a stuka even, top and bottom guns! Love the weathering around the rear 'pit. Great job on what we all know is a toughie.

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