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Tom Cleaver
928 articles

One crazy (in the best way) Frenchman

August 29, 2019 · in News · 9 · 1.3K

You guys over in Europe need to check this out.

(the author of the article is obviously not a knowledgeable aeronut when it comes to describing the collection, but the photos tell the story)

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7  Awesome

9 responses

  1. Now, THAT is some display case. Here is an offer for my non-Euro friends here: in case you guys fancy visiting this place, we can arrange an imodeler trip. I will translate all French to English! We can have one of two glasses of wine too 😀

    Impressive collection, I wonder what the Lady of the house thinks of this hobby...

  2. I know this place, I've been there three times I guess during the 90's. Michel Pont is a former famous car race pilot, and he likes everything which is related to mechanics... and wine!

    In the castle, you can see a huge collection of Fiat Abarth and old motorcycles. But for us, the most impressive part is of course this incredible collection of aircrafts.

    Unfortunately, because of stupid state regulations due to the castle (if my memory is good), it is not possible to built a hall or a pavillon to protect the aircrafts against weather conditions. This means that the aircrafts are aging very fast. But at least, they have not been scrapped...

    Once the visit is over, you can drink a glass of red bourgogne before leaving 😉

  3. Sacre bleu! Now this guy has a true passion and a deep pocket, so the result really makes his collection a one of a kind

  4. In deed a journalistic feat to get it so detailed yet so messy.

    Tom, as a coincidence this is the place I´m referring to in your Meteor article The Meteors can be seen in one of the overview photos, to the right.

  5. Wow! He’s even got what looks like a Georgia ANG F-105G. Notice he has the Venoms under a shed to keep them dry.

  6. "Look what I brought home today, honey!" It would be nice to add a visit to the bucket list.

  7. It is sad that none of the a/c are not stored inside...for a team of restorationist to go over. About Crazy...when your well to do your considered eccentric when, your poor and can not collect the big toy's ...your crazy. So my good fellow how many models do you have in your stash? That depends on how much you have in the bank. Label wise.

  8. Quite the collection. Wow!

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