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Kevin Rowbotham
14 articles

Italeri 1:35 PT Boat

October 22, 2021 · in Ships · · 12 · 1.9K

Nearly finished with just a few smaller parts and decals to be fitted. A very straightforward and enjoyable build which I can heartily recommend!

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Amazing job, Kevin!
    Love the painting and weathering!

  2. Many thanks Spiros! I hope you are safe and well?

    I've just realised there are no overall shots of the boat...I will have to put some additional photo's up!

  3. Great work, Kevin @kevinrowbotham
    Weathering and painting is indeed very nice.
    This must be quite a large build with 1:35

  4. Hi John, many thanks! It is indeed a large kit but, as a result, is quite impressive..

  5. That is a good looking PT Boat. I like the paint work, it has a great overall look. I am not a boat builder, but it that looks like a fun subject and you have given it an overall realistic finish.

  6. Really nice all over, looks great!

  7. Hi Kevin, nice build! I have been looking for a detailed PT boat kit for a while, is this Italeri 5602? Does it include any photo etch (which would be an additional plus ?)?

    • Hi Joost many thanks for your compliment! It is indeed the Italeri Kit (5602) and the kit does come with a small amount of PE although I do believe there are additional PE kits available. I can thoroughly recommend the kit which goes together easily and builds up quite one, you know you want to!

  8. Great job, Kevin (@kevinrowbotham), especially the weathering. I have liked PT Boats ever since I saw They Were Expendable with John Wayne.

  9. Many thanks George! I had to smile to myself when I saw your reference to 'They Were Expendable'..that was my inspiration for buying the kit in the first place!

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