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Juan Ravizzoli
37 articles

Recovery vehicle M26 from Tamiya

September 12, 2019 · in Armor · · 3 · 4.6K

Greetings to all forum members.

A few months ago I started with this classic kit.

Like all Tamiya kits, the lace of the pieces is very good.

The kit has a large number of parts, as well as some photoengraving, nylon cables, metal axles for rear wheels, chrome parts for lights, etc..

With regard to the detail the kit is somewhat uneven. For example there are very well detailed parts, such as the cranes and their controls, and others with a very poor and simple detail, such as the chassis.

Here I show you the kit ready to paint.

Soon I will show photos of the finished model.

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3  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.