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George R Blair Jr
88 articles

Review: KA Models 1/48 Bf-109G-10

October 13, 2019 · in Reviews · · 9 · 3.1K

Sometimes I feel like I am the last one to arrive at the dance. It always seems like when I get my hands on something new that many of you have not only seen it, but built it. So I was a little surprised when I came across this Bf-109 kit that I had not seen before, and from a company I had never heard of. I searched iModeler and couldn't find anything at all from . Best of all, this 1/48th kit was less than $20. I'm not a big Bf-109 aficionado, but for $20 I decided to give it a try.

KA Models
While I was waiting for the kit to arrive in the mail, I did a little online research. It turns out KA models is a South Korean company that is probably best known for its extensive line of photoetch & resin details for airplanes, ships, armor, and cars. They have several plastic model kits which cover only two aircraft: several different 1/72 boxings of F-14A's with different decals in each and 2 Bf-109s, a G-10 and a G-6. Apparently these kits come from the old Fujimi molds, and were first released by KA Models in 2015. My research says these 2019 re-releases have some new parts in them.

The Kit
I was pleasantly surprised when the kit arrived. The box has some interesting art on the outside, and on the inside the contents are protected by a sturdy inner-cardboard sleeve. The instructions are nicely done, but when you look closely at the sprue diagram, you discover that a number of parts aren't used. These duplicate parts are presumably for either the G-6 or the G-10. I would assume that these two kits have a lot of parts in common. These duplicates include 2 instrument panels, 2 sets of interior side walls, 2 sets of prop blades (wide and narrow), 2 sets of horizontal stabilizers, and 2 rudders. There were also 2 sets of photoetch, along with 2 brass pitot tubes. The twp sets of photoetch looks identical to me, so maybe it was a mistake to have 2 sets of etch in the box. The kit has nice panel lines which are a touch heavy perhaps, but the parts look well-done and without a bunch of flash. The only flash I found was at the aft end of the cockpit tub. There were some ejector pin marks on the walls of the cockpit which will require some cleanup. The main landing gear bays don't have any detail at all, but I am a casual builder, so I won't get too hung up on what isn't on the inside of the gear wells. The decals include the major markings and seem a little thick, but I will know more after I try them out. The only thing I found irritating was that KA Models went to the trouble of adding photoetch to the kit, but didn't include a photoetch instrument panel or seatbelts. I know its a cost savings thing, but I would have been glad to pay a little more and had more photoetch. All-in-all, this looks like a nice kit.

I found some online videos from modelers who built the 2015 version of this kit, and they report that it is a fun build with no real vices. I am looking forward to putting this in the soon-to-be-built line. I know this kit won't match the builds from Tolga (@tolgaul), Erik (@airbum), and many others on iModeler, but I think it will be perfect for me. I go by the "Duck" criteria: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, & quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. (A WW2 German duck, in this case.) :o)

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9 responses

  1. This looks like a neat little kit ! I have never heard of them either... It has some parts that will be left over, so you can have some extra goodies for the parts bin for future projects. There are so many options for 109's when it comes to markings and colors...

    I have a few of the Fujimi BF-110 kits in the stash, and they look OK to me. Build it, and have fun with it. If you don't mind, (and have spare time to do it), this would be a neat one to watch come together in a build journal.

    Thanks for posting it for us.


  2. Yep...a new one on me, too - looks like a nice 'n, though. Thanks for the sneak peek.

  3. George, your investigation is right, that kit you have there is the Fujimi 109 reboxed and with a few extra goodies it seems. “Rita” Red 2 was also the first option of the Fujimi box.
    The name KA is new to me, never heard of it till reading your post, but that gorgeous drawing on the box looks the same as Must Have kits, which are also based on Fujimi moulds. They build pretty good. Hope to see this one presented in the highlights!

  4. Nice pick George - the G-10 was the best looking late 109, I think.
    I have one of these in the stash so will be watching with interest !

  5. I'll be following along George, looks like an interesting kit. The parts count looks a lot like the Fujimi kit I have in the stash as others have mentioned.

  6. Quackquack - thank you for sharing - now I want one too! - you are most too kind in your mention of my builds - luckily you haven't seen them "in the plastic" 🙂

    Will be looking forward to follow your build - if you need a photoetch IP or belts send me a note - there may be one or two in the spares box. . . - for eduard that is, but I do not think the kit will mind.

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