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Jakub Vilingr
5 articles

Review: Regiane Re.2005 Sagittario, Sword models 1/48, preview

October 31, 2019 · in Reviews · · 9 · 4K

Here are preview and fit test of all new scale Regiane from Czech producer Models. I have used only Tamiya Extra Thin Quick Type glue and GSI Mr. Cement Deluxe.

Reader reactions:
18  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Looking like yet another one I want! - thanx for sharing

    • I am ready for building completely kit with paints 🙂 This was only "fit test", and all parts fits very well. Nice and simply kit. My "fit test" are done for circa 4 hours with making pictures 🙂 I hope you like it 😉

  2. Jakub, Welcome to iModeler! This looks like a great model that I'd like to do. Thanks for the great preview report!

  3. Jakob, you made my day with this post! Been curious about this kit ever since I saw it advertised a few months ago. My point being that all of a sudden we got not one but 2 new Sagittarios in 1/48 being launched in the market.
    I had already seen the other, from SH, but not this one, and reading your test fit review and seeing the moulds a bit more “upclose” made my mind. Never bought/build a Sword model before, this kit looks like a good one to start

  4. Looks like a great kit of a very sexy airplane.

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