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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles

Russian T-55 Medium Tank MI958

November 27, 2019 · in Armor · · 1.4K

This tank kit is another fine example of a quality factory model. It had next to no flashing and the parts fit together with no problems.
It looks like I made some hand/foot brackets from my different size's of modeling wire. They were made using 0.20" and/or 0.30" diameter stiff wire.

In one photo you can see my bottle of "SnJ-Aluminum Polishing Powder" with my brush. I have used this on many different models. You can see that I brushed the powder onto the plastic tank tracks. I have done this on most all of my tank models as in real life, the treads were really bare metal from running over the ground.

I painted the model with my X-2 Gloss white paint, then misted on some Future and added the decals. I applied my dull coat.

Guess where my sandstone base came from? I just put some white glue on the bottom of the tank treads and set it down on the base and poured a little model snow hear and's done!

I have more armor models, but I'm going to start adding some more cars, then maybe back to airplane's.

Thanks for taking time to look at some of my "armor" models!

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