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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles


January 26, 2020 · in Diorama · · 4.3K

This kit was made by and was a good kit to build o.o.b; but the builder sure messed up building it.

The kit is made out of "VINLY" and not the tradition plastic that we modeler's are use to working with.

The builder which is me Rodney J. Williams did not cut/sand out the seam lines where the leg/hip joint's meet the back side of the animals body.

I messed up again by adding a drop of paint to represent the eye's pupil. My T-Rex looks great, but these last two "dino's" look like junk.

Maybe my next few "dino's" will look the same, so you will have to wait and see.

This is a good lesson for all you model builders. Please use your Waldron punch and punch out any color of decal to represent the eye's purple.

If I did not have these severe shaky hands I would get my Waldron punch set out right now and re-do all of the bad eyes!

The base is nothing more than a thin section of Dolores River Sandstone with some desert dead twig's. You will note that you can see some thin flat styrofoam glued to the bottom of the base, which let's you put your finger's under the stone bast and life it up off a table, etc.


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