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Robert Royes
258 articles

From the cheap seats,2019 review

January 6, 2020 · in Uncategorized · 11 · 1.2K

T'was a pretty good year, though the F-111B, F-105F, and the M8 tractor were lost during renovations to the house, but we had two weddings, my daughters'' and a nieces'. Merry New Year to all and let's hope for some peace.

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14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Happy New Year Rob!
    Keep up the good work and congratulations on those weddings!

  2. Nice collection - and sounds like an eventful year! Hope your 2020 is as productive.

  3. Sounds like an excellent 2019! Congrats with these builds!

  4. Great collection!

  5. Great job on those kits, Robert. Happy New Year!

  6. Cheap seats are good Robert, you don't get ripped off! Nice work on your 2019 collection!

  7. Nicely productive 2019 Robert, well done, happy new year !

  8. a bang up year bob

  9. A good productive year, Rob, let's all wish for peace in 2020.

  10. Nice lineup Robert ! Let’s hope that we have more time for building this year. Thanks for sharing these pics with us and I’m sorry to hear that several of your models were lost.

  11. Productive year, Rob!

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