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Kostas Georgiou
4 articles

Industrial decay1/160 scale

January 13, 2020 · in Diorama · · 11 · 3.2K

This diorama is quite old, back from 2015 and it started as a base for my 2 weathered boxcars but evolved to a complete one. It won several awards in various contests and was featured in a showcase
in Dioramag Vol.3. Thanks for your time.

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

28 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Top !

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. Amazing work. Especially for "N" scale!

  3. Thought it was a larger scale! Impressive work.

  4. It's obvious why it won awards!

  5. Thanks a lot for your kind words.

  6. Great work! Very inspiring!

  7. Amazing. Mind-blowing...

  8. Totally awesome. Your rust treatment is super, especially in N scale!

  9. Wow amazing.
    The attention to detail is great that graffiti on the rail car is really cool. And the faded Coke Cola paintwork is fantastic.

    Should have alot more likes!

  10. Fantastic! Is there a write-up on your process?

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