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David G LANE
123 articles

PFALZ E.l 1914

January 19, 2020 · in Aviation · 12 · 2.2K

Special Hobby 1:48
'Small Stuff' kit engine was awful!
Prop acrylic and oils with brush.
Turnbuckles a mix of metal and resin Gaspatch 1:48 type A and C
Must mention the rigging diagram and info in the instructions were first class...unlike WnW 1:32 Fokker ll that are a mess!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

19 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. A fine representation of the real aircraft, well done!

  2. Beautiful finish / Weathering

  3. Is there any genre you aren't the master of? This is beautiful! Great work.

  4. good work and a great detailed those planes with all those cables are a real nightmare


  5. David, This is a real beauty, nicely done !

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