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Rodney J. Williams
171 articles


January 25, 2020 · in Diorama · · 2 · 2.1K

Tamiya produced this 1/35th scale dinosaur kit around 2011-2012 so I bought it.

If you look close at the box top you will note that the model has some nice feet with toes, however upon opening up the kit, you may be disappointed.

Case-In-Point: The feet don't look anything like the box art, so we should learn not to trust the box art when choose a model to buy.
SECONDLY: WOW! The 'Dino" has it's mouth open and when you "dry-fit" the two body sides together and look inside the mouth with your "pen" flash light, you see the top and back of the inside's.

You now have a choice: One is to toss the model into your spare part's box, or your trash can and/or you can build a mouth into the kit's mouth area. If you do this, then don't forget to add a tongue and some teeth.

I'm done with everything except finished the two eyes and since I was frustrated with this build, I just put a small dot of paint on the white eyeball.

It looks awful and I should have fixed my screw-up!

Done for good! A bad model by and a bad build by me.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

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2 responses

  1. I think someone should get one, but do some form of armor with Allied markings, and then make it look like its charging a tiger tank lol. I can just picture it.

  2. Nice Trike. Would look nice in a mottled grey with Hakenkreuz...


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