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Jay Biga
30 articles

M46 Patton, Charlie Company, 1st Marine Tank Battalion, Korea, 1952.

February 21, 2020 · in Armor · · 12 · 3.5K

Hi all,

Just a few bits to add, which will be done once I have a base for it to go on, but I'm calling this done. My second finished project for 2020. This is the Takom .

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

4 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Well done! The Patton was always my favorite tank - more muscle-ly than the Sherman, but still looked like the definition of "tank."

    • Thank you Greg!
      I agree, from the M26, through the M46, M47, M48, all the way to the M60 series, that’s what a tank looked like in my mind when I was a kid. Low, menacing, basically a bunch of wheels with a turret and a big gun on top.

  2. Now that's a tank! Great work on the weathering.

    • Thank you!
      I usually go for a more subdued look, but when I was looking at pics of these vehicles in Korea as part of researching this project, I knew I had to make this one grimy.

  3. Bravo! Very nice, indeed!

  4. Nicely done. What method did you use for the paint chipping?

    • Thanks! Chipping was done the old school way. A tiny brush with a lighter version of the base color to make the chips and then an even tinier brush to fill the chips with a darker color.

      1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  5. I was a "real life" tanker and crew member in the M-60 series and the M-1A1. My Dad served in the later model "Easy 8" Sherman's and the M-26, M-46/47/48 series. He was a tanker and a grunt in Korea as well. Thanks for sharing this model with us. It looks very good... The front (and rear) fenders were often damaged. When they got too bad they were simply removed as you have shown here.

    Do you have any pictures of the rear of the hull or turret ?


    • Hi Louis,

      Always nice to get this sort of feedback from a tanker! Thank you.
      Most of the pics I found of these tanks in Korea showed them withe the cut back fenders. I liked the look, it makes the vehicle look more aggressive, so I went with that. I'll get some pics of the rear up as well.

  6. I like your weathering on this a lot. Very realistic.

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