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Paul sutton
24 articles

Starfury launch bay

February 8, 2020 · in Sci-fi · · 6 · 5.1K

This is the old Revel starfury kit. I wanted to make a nicer stand for it than the kit offering and, anyway, one thing led to another and I ended up with a scratch built launch cradle and bay. The kit has a few modifications including resin guns and scratch built missiles and launchers. The figures are from an Italieri NATO ground crew set. Painting was primarily with Tamiya paints and weathering with oils and a few pigments. Hope you enjoy.

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12  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Nicely done Paul, that's one good looking diorama. Isn't it interesting how one thing does lead to another with this hobby.

  2. Looks great! Nearly forgot about Babylon 5.

  3. Fabulous, love it

  4. Great work, lot of details, very nice

  5. Ivanova's Star Fury! "No Boom Today, but there's always a boom tomorrow."

  6. Nicely done. Never heard of it, but it's a nice-looking subject.

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