Yom Kippur War...1/48 Douglas A-4E Ayit, Israeli Airforce

February 15, 2020 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.2K

Back in 2016/17 my father built a fully loaded Israeli hotrod too as adversary for the Iraqi Su-7.
Like with the Fitter, also took some new pics to pay tribute to my dad´s model.

kit (VA-55 A-4E/F), decal sheets for Ayits are no longer available or at least hard to get, therefore had to use different sources, the stencils are from the kit, the roundels from the Hobbycraft A-4E/H kit, the numbers from an Isradecal number sheet and the squadron badges from Isradecal Mystere sheet.
Gunze H310/312/313/314 for the camo, Quickboost seat, Snakeeyes, MER and LAU-3 rocket pods from Hasegawa weapon sets.

The model shows an aircraft of IAF Squadron No.116 "Flying Wing" during the War in 1973.

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

23 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Very nice indeed, although I’m not a fan of the IAF their camouflage sure brings a model to life. Your scooter is very well made imo

  2. Fantastic job on the scooter ,I've got something similar on here from years ago though probably not as nice as yours, you have to feel sorry for any military force who goes up against the Israeli's don't you ? well done, I love it.

  3. What a nice scooter! Excellent paint job too!

  4. I love those IDF schemes - you did a great job on yours!

  5. Nice Hot Rod! Looks great.

  6. Very nice paint job!

  7. Excellent scooter

  8. Buen trabajo y el kit de la marca Hasegawa en los A-4 Skyhawks, detallados, un camuflaje de época, excelente tu estilo en pinturas, un saludo...

  9. Thanks all for likes and comments!

  10. Love the IDF desert camo scheme! Working on a Kurnass now... This is a great-looking A-4

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