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George Johnson
73 articles

1/72 Amodel Mi-6 Helo

April 5, 2020 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.3K
This article is part of a series:
  1. 1/72 Amodel Mi-6 Helo
  2. Finally finished the 1/72 Amodel Mi-6 Beast

Almost done with this horrible kit. This is a composite of several derlict examples I found on the internet. Mission Models Paints, AK metallics, Mig panel line washes, oils, and lots of swearing.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

11 responses

  1. Fantastic paint work!

  2. AModel kits can sometimes be a handful, but you have certainly brought out the best in it. Your paint and weathering is awesome.

  3. Great job on a bear of a kit, George. I love the derelict look you have captured with your skillful painting! Most of the on-line images of the Mi-6 are derelicts, it seems. The most eerie are the irradiated ones left over from the Chernobyl disaster I also did a fair amount of work on this kit but found it exhausting to deal with the terrible fit (I may add images later). For now, mine is in a box waiting to be finished. In spite of the poor fit, I think A-Model captured the shape of the Mi-6 very accurately in the model as well as the essential details. One big problem is that a lot of that detail gets sanded off when you have to clean up gaps. I tried to limit the most severe sanding to the underside and managed to preserve panel lines etc, where they are most visible. I think the Mi-6 is somehow one of the nicest looking of Soviet helicopters. I like the way the tapered glass nose makes it look like a bomber, while the remainder has classic heavy lift helicopter lines. Unmistakably Russian.

  4. Thanks, Colin. I attached some pics that highlight exactly what you're talking about. I ended up filling most of the kit's panel lines and re-scribing them. Had to do a lot of plastic surgery to get even the simplest parts to fit. This kit is definitely not for the weak of heart.

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  5. Ah those words, "horrible kit", had a flashback of hair pulling moments when i did my mi6.
    And your paint job is so good it made me thought I should restore my mil.
    but if you still feel masochistic you can try also Amodels Mi-12

  6. Your efforts materialised on this exceptional outcome, George. It 's nice to see a completed triumph, screaming the effort of its builder.
    All the best!

  7. beautiful wear and tear

  8. A great job! Amodel kits can be pricey too.

  9. Thanks, Gentlemen. I appreciate it very much.

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