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Tom Bebout
143 articles

June 6, 1944

June 6, 2020 · in News · 11 · 2K

The liberation of Europe has begun. The attached link from The National Archives will display General Eisenhower's Order of the Day. RIP my father Paul Bebout, HHC, 1st Bn, 501st PIR, 101st Airborne Division. Your service to our country is recognized and appreciated by your family on today's date.

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11 responses

  1. Honorable post, Tom. May the world never forget.

    • My grandad served in the British Army and I'm immensely proud of him but sadly the world has forgotten already , kids aren't taught about it because it's not P.C. ……..

      • Neil @neil-foster
        I believe that today's public education system covers the entire topic of WW2 in about two paragraphs. They also make several of the Nations on the winning side look more like the aggressor...and the actual aggressors "victims". All of this nonsense is a sign of the sad times we live in, where right is now wrong, and wrong is right.

        • So often on prime time quiz shows in the U.K. like "The Chase" a question about an important event like D Day or the Dambusters will come up and very often if the contestant is under 40 or 50 they just wont know. What happened ? why isn't this history being passed down , there are still lots of old fellas still alive who served ,what an insult to them...Oh well rant over

  2. Tom, @tom-bebout
    Agreed, this is most honorable. We owe so much to this generation, and men like your father. Our family had 4 brothers who were serving in the US Army Infantry all at the same time in the ETO during 1944 / 45. One jumped into Normandy with the 101st, just like your Dad did, and one was a glider borne trooper. Out of these 4 brothers, 2 were killed in France, and the other two seriously wounded, with one wounded badly later at Bastogne... Sounds almost like the movie "Saving Private Ryan" doesn't it ?

    Freedom isn't free. Thanks for posting.

  3. Me thinks too many have...but I won't.

  4. Tom, Thanks. A very good tribute. My dad went ashore there the next day. I graduated from High School of June 6. 1966...6/6/66. D-Day was a big theme of our celebrations...

  5. Thanks for posting Tom. Honor to your father and to all those who served with him to liberate Europe from tyranny.

  6. Freedom isn't free indeed!
    Honor to your father, Tom, and everyone else who sacrificed himself for us to be free today.
    My grandfather was a Dachau prisoner. Managed to escape and made a round "trip" through Holland, Belgium, France and Italy to come back to Greece in amazing adventuring circumstances.

  7. Thanks Tom, important always to remember and honour the sacrifice of so many, and what they were fighting for, and against.

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