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bob mack
59 articles

German MG 42 Gunner

June 16, 2013 · in Uncategorized · · 16 · 1.6K

Reader reactions:
3  Awesome

16 responses

  1. Figures (to me at least) are hard, and this one is very good. The guy looks like he has just been to "see the elephant."

  2. When I first saw the top photo, I thought that he was smoking a cigarette :).
    Figures are hard, especially getting the facial expression right. This guy looks very forlorn which is an achievement of the builder. Good work Bob.

    • great point i hadn't noticed that...i was playing with the camera then told the wife to turn off the t.v. but the equipment shot looked so good i kept it in...and thank you for the compliment martin

  3. Profile Photo
    said on June 16, 2013

    Magic Bob! Great figure i got the same kit ages ago,and he's still in the pending pile. LIKE IT 🙂

    • thank you greg...verlinndens and tamiya's aren't the best sculpting but i think you'll have a lot of fun...and if you don't like it mr. color thinner will clean it right off

  4. Very good job on that figure Bob. He looks so dejected and lost. I can imagine him walking along on a muddy Russian road somewhere contemplating the futility and desperation of the struggle he was in.

    • the german troops were really abandoned the last couple years...gorings resupply from the air and their logistics was a joke...and when captured even the americans and british kicked the heck out of them...they reaped what they sowed more or less

  5. You have reached the pinnacle of figure-painting...excellent rendition, sir.

  6. First let me agree with Tom. Painting figures and I part our way. Definitely out of my realm.
    Second, I thought the same as Editor. I was about to ask how the heck did you do that. Then the TV showed up.
    I am truly impressed with how you brought this man to life. Excellent skill.
    Any GI at the Bulge would have loved to have had that great coat.

    • thank you for the fine compliment know in albert speers book spandau he said he was in on the design of the greatcoat...and he said it actually absorbed water he discovered in the prison...the russians made him wear it when it was their turn to guard and he claimed he all most froze to death in it...but i'm sure there were all different kinds...some were fur lined i think i even read the womens hair from the death camps went into the linings of some...a lot of germans stole the russians boots and coats...but our stuff didn't get warm till korea...they started sheep lining them and they weighed about 20 pounds

  7. said on July 2, 2013

    Bob .. you have really mastered the figure-painting to a "T" .. one can almost wonder what he is thinking, standing there, he IS so life like looking .. as stated before, the facial expression if GREAT .. every detail is
    "right-on" ... so many figures don't have a good expression .. THIS guy DOES ! he looks like he is from a wax museum !

  8. Hi again, Bob! @p38j

    Great work! Amazing! You're definitely a master on this art of painting figures, Bob!

    I've done a German MG 42 Gunner, but as part of a team, and on 1/35 (included on one of the Dioramas I posted pics of here recently) .

    This one is a real piece of art!



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