143 articles · 26.2K karma · 180 friends · active 2 days, 17 hours ago

Baby boomer trying his hand at building models again for the first time. Things have certainly changed since I was 16. Tube cement, small testors bottles of paint and some decals, what more was needed? Started building again in 2009 and have begun learning some new skills and techniques ever since. Have lots of appreciation for those that do excellent work with this hobby, some of the results are truely museum quality. Hope to pass on a love for this hobby to my grandson.

Mauve 1/48 P-40N

After a six month absence I've returned and finished this P-40N that I started in March 2024. Took me awhile to get back at modeling after losing my wife of 54 years to a sudden illness in April. She was my best supporter of this little [...]

Tamiya 1/48 P-51B Mustang

Hot off the bench is the classic Tamiya P-51B that still represents a very nice model. However, I am looking forward to seeing Eduard's' new P-51B release so as to make a comparison between the two. Typical Tamiya, parts fit and the only [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 P-51D Mustang

In one of my earlier posts I'd mentioned I had build several Accurate Miniatures, Eduard, Airfix, Monogram/Revell, and Tamiya P-51's but not a Hasegawa kit. That is until now and it is a decent kit IMHO. The cockpit is adequate but not [...]

1/48 Hasegawa P-40K-5

Another P-40 from the Bebout Curtiss Factory and this one I like to call Snake on a Plane. I didn't have a Hasegawa P-40K but a did have their P-40E plus a AMTech P-40 with the Black Box resin tail. The Hasegawa P-40 K kit is as scarce as [...]

Monogram 1/48 P-47D Razorback

This latest build falls into Tom Cleaver's "Build them or Bin them" category. Just one of those models you pic up at a show for $5, I mean what the hey, it's a decent kit and it's only five bucks. So I started this little gem [...]

1/48 Accurate Miniatures P-51C

Started in 23 but finally finished is my first completion in 2024. It is the old A/M P-51C kit which is a P-51B with the tail fillet joint. For some reason I seem to be concentrating on checker tail birds especially those from the 325th [...]

1/48 Hobbycraft P-40F

It's been awhile since I've posted here, life sometimes gets in the way, so here's my 24th P-40 to add to my collection. Although it's a Hobbycraft kit they use the old AMT molds for their rendition of a P-40F. Since I've build several AMT [...]

1/48 F4F-1D Corsair Jim Sullivan Group Build

I used the Tamiya kit to represent an FG-1D Corsair flown by LTC Donald K. Yost of VMF-351 aboard the USS Cape Gloucester, July-August, 1945. It's my contribution to the Jim Sullivan Group Build initiated by Louis Gardner, so thanks Louis [...]

1/48 Eduard P-51D-5

My first attempt at building one of Eduard's new P-51 offers. Finished several weeks ago but just now posting. Having build several Accurate Miniatures, Tamiya, Revell and a Airfix P-51 I decided to tackle the Eduard addition, this one is [...]

1/48 Monogram Do335 Arrow

Once in awhile I need to build something other than a P-40 and in a short amount of time. This old Monogram kit fit the bill for me. The printed instructions carry a 1974 Copyright so it's old by any standard. Officially called the Arrow, [...]