Korea: The Forgotten War group build is now active.
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Hello everyone.
This is an open invitation to all who want to participate in our Korean War group build. This group build will follow the exact same dates as the actual conflict did. It will start on June 25th, 2020, and will end a little over three years later on July 27th, 2023. This is exactly 70 years later...
Once you are done with your build, please feel free to post articles of your completed work at your convenience. There is no need to wait for three years before you can post your work.
I will most likely need assistance with monitoring the group occasionally, especially since it is going to last three years.
You can build as many models as you like. There are no limits to how many models you can make.
This group build is dedicated to all of the men and women who served their Country during the so called “Police Action”, that is still technically a war. Many do not know this, but all that has stopped the fighting on the front lines along the DMZ in Korea, is a cease fire order that has remained in effect since 1953. The DMZ has been a hot spot on several occasions every since then.
The goal of this group build is to honor all of those who served in Korea before, during, and after the cease fire took effect. They will not be forgotten any more.
My Dad was a Korean War combat veteran. He served in several US Army Armor units as a tanker in M-4 Sherman's and M-26 Pershings, and also in the Infantry as a foot soldier. Sadly my Dad passed away back in 2012. In his last few days of his life, he opened up to me about some of his horrific experiences during the War. What he told me still haunts me to this very day. This is the stuff of nightmares, yet he actually lived it, as did the many who also served there. Dad told me that when he got home, he did not get any parade like the veterans of World War 2 did. My Dad said he felt like what he and his friends did was forgotten, almost as if it never happened... I have heard this same comment from other Korean War veterans.
This is our way to remember and honor them, so they are no longer "Forgotten".
This group build will follow the same dates as the conflict. It will start on June 25th, 2020, and will end on July 27th, 2023. This group build will be going on for a little over three years. I will ask for help with moderating it from time to time.
Any type aircraft, vessel, tank, wheeled vehicle or tractor, artillery piece, submarine, helicopter, or any weapon of any kind that was used by either the United Nations or the Communist sides during the conflict will be allowed. As long as it was used during the War you can build a model of it.
There is not a new build requirement. If you have a model that is started, but not yet completed, you can post it. This is an effort to help clean out our “shelf of doom” that we all seem to have at some point or another.
You can give your old models a “Face Lift” and give them a new paint job if you so desire. You can resurrect your old models if you so desire. Just show how it was used during the War and you are good to go.
Any scale is OK. There is no requirement for any certain scale.
You can scratch build a model if you so desire.
All are invited to join us. No invitation is required.
Lets keep it fun………….
Oddly enough I have two Korean War birds on the bench right now.
Perfect ! @recalcitrant21
Would you be so kind as to start a build journal for them ? They do not have to be a new build from the very beginning. You can start with what you already have. As long as they are not completed, you are good to go.
Thanks !
Posted in-progress pics of my F7F-3N.
Thank you Louis for initiating this group build. It has definitely motivated me to get my Korean War models on the 'to build' list. War is hell! It has left so many veterans scarred for life in so many different ways. Let's honor those that paid the ultimate price.
You are quite welcome Morne. @mornem
Your comments about War are spot on. When I was a kid, we were not allowed whistles or any type of horn, until later when I was in high school. I chose to play a trumpet in the school band, and actually got quite good at it. My Dad would go outside when I started learning how to play the horn in the beginning. I must have been horrible and it might have reminded him of things he would have rather forgotten about.
Only recently did I learn about how the Chinese would signal their attacks with whistles and horns... Had I know this, I would have definitely picked a different instrument to play. Sorry Dad...
Lets make this and honor not only to the ones who paid the ultimate price, but to all who served there. The ones who returned home were never the same again... and they lived with these memories for their entire life.
I am happy to hear this has motivated you to build some models. I'm looking forward to seeing this. Thank you for the support.
I'm in and will open with the 1/48th ICM B-26B Invader. This will be a rather ambitious project as I may just also build a Monogram B-26 as well. Commence fire! Fire for effect!
1 attached image. Click to enlarge.
Now this is a kit I have been wanting to see a proper build journal on. Your build journals are very detailed and precise. The pictures you post with them are very informative as well and really help. I have the old Monogram A/B-26 too. Mine is black plastic and has the glass nose.
I'm looking forward to watching this one...Thanks Chuck. @uscusn
I'm calling it a night. It's getting late over here on the East Coast.
Count me in Louis , Special Hobby, Fairey Firefly, 1/48, British FAA .I've had this kit for a couple of years and somehow couldn't seem to get motivated but I am now!
Cheers Louis ,I began the very first group build here on iModeller so I know how much you will have to do but it will be fun I'm sure...
Hi Louis @lgardner!
This looks a terrific Group Build of this extremely important forgotten war.
Will enter this build with a 1/72 Hellenic Air Force Dakota operated there, wearng some special markings.
Had the kit and the extra decals for some time now, wanting to build one of those specific birds.
Now this fantastic Group Build motivation emerged.
Count me definitely in, my friend!
Count me in, Louis, and I'd be happy to help you out with the moderator duties if you need it.
Great theme, Louis. I will join in. Still juggling projects in Empire of Japan, In Progress Aircraft, Armada and Armor builds but, hey, why not? I have a Hasegawa F-86 in 1/48 just started with decals to one side for Jim Thompson's The Huff. I also have an M4A3E8 in 1/35 well underway build-wise but unpainted. I haven't decided whether to do a US version of the Easy Eight or a Canadian one. Perhaps not many would know that 26,791 Canadians fought as part of the UN contingent in Korea in land, naval and air force units. Definitely the forgotten war in Canada for most people, although not forgotten by all of us.
Let´s go!
I've got a Roden C-119C in the wings, of a bird out of Kimpo, hopefully the decals will hold up. If not I could always do it a Flight of the Phoenix build. @lgardner.
I will go with the 1/48 Airfix F-51D in SAAF markings...
this also meets the need to build one Airfix Mustang with my COVID19 Model Group - we regularly hook up via a Chat Room to see what we are all up to - must admit it has been great to talk and build models with like minded modellers - and it has been funny /hilarious at times when inevitable happens with glued split, parts lost, decals curled, paint mess...you get the picture
sometime we have 5-6 online at same time so always something to talk about.
Happy Modelling!