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Ross Paton
31 articles


June 2, 2020 · in Uncategorized · · 11 · 2.2K

This little trick I've tried before but it suits this HK Mdels 1/48 B17 perfectly. Basically, we all get fed up with not being able to see the interior detail when we're finished. Couple of magnets stuck as shown and the top comes off and on very easily. Not that I want to show my amateurish interior work particularly.

I don't know how the turret is going to work!

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5  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Yeah, Science!
    Very clever. The interior looks nice and busy from here.

  2. What a good idea!

  3. Very clever indeed, Ross!

  4. Very sneaky! Hope the turret works out.

  5. Might be good for a tail sitter as well; fleck of metal in the nose wheel tire and magnet in the base. Just don't forget and rip the nose gear off!

  6. Opportunity for a grouse! This model was expensive for having to then go to the Church of Eduard for clear part masking and throttle levers! I know it's a fiddly scale but it should have had throttle levers even if they were moulded to the console!

  7. Hi. Did you have to saw the upper fuselage open for this ?
    I have a revell D.C.-4 in my to build kits that has a very detailed interior that wants to know ! Thank you for sharing.
    Great solution .

    • No. The HK Model has a section as shown which is a perfect fit. I would be reluctant to cut things bit if you have the skills!
      Tom Cleaver in his review of this kit suggested citting open the bulkhead doors and posing them open but I would have made a right hash. Again, I wish kits like this would give you that option.The line detail on the doors is great so why not seperate doors?

  8. No wing walk stencils etc? Is that accurate? Quite pleased because adding stencils is the worst part!

  9. Finished. Queenie is too far back, but these decals, once they are in place there was no moving them!
    Top still lifts off which is cool. Have to watch the Radio guy's gun though!

    Photography doesn't flatter models I've noticed.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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