31 articles · 2.9K karma · 7 friends · active 52 minutes ago

Dad was on Spitfires. Back modelling having got hooked after building 32 scale models of the planes he flew. Don't know where to put them all!

WWI Smorgasbord

Merry Christmas! Been on a biplane kick lately. Can't claim they're all anywhere near perfect. The DH 2 was a particular challenge! I don't think the rigging on these was done the same twice. It's a mixture of 0.15mm fly leader, 0.2mm [...]

Group Captain George Kemp Gilroy DFC and Bar.

George Gilroy was a neighbouring farmer and his family still live nearby. He was an interesting character. He would buy straw from my Dad and roll up with his Massey 135 abd baler, knotted handkerchief on his head and a pair of flying [...]


I give to you my attempt at Eduard's WE Edition F.2B. I ended up getting two bacause I made a pigs ear of mounting the top wing and ended up with no lower or upper cabane struts! Having a strutted bottom wing sure adds to the hazards. [...]

Two Young Men of Many.

In the spirit of rememberance, two of Dads Squadron mates were kiled on 2 consecutive days. Flight Sergeant William Spencer (see log book entry 4th June) and Pilot Officer Donald Joseph Eugene Schmitz (June 5th). Age Shall Not Weary [...]

Hotspur and Audax No4 Glider Training School 1942.

On seeing Planet Models GAL-48 Hotspur Mk.II at Hannats ((link)) I decided a project was in order. My old man did a spell of this before being let loose on a Spitfire Squadron. He towed Hotspurs with Audaxes and Hectors mostly out of [...]

Into Storage for now.

Had to face up to facts. No space left. Into storage go the bulk of my 1/32 scale kits. Not becaue of any "domestic" issues I hasten to add. Neither of us wants the house full of Weapons of Mass Destruction! Indeed we often joke [...]

"This one is SMALL and this one is FAR AWAY!" (Father Ted)

Decided to make a Mini Me of Airfixes Typhoon. Hunted down a second hand Hasegawa 1/48 and painted and decalled it the same as Airfix. Not a bad kit. Bought a couple of Eduard accesories. Biggest noticable difference, apart from the [...]

Can you see the join! Tackle in or tackle out?

I always wrestle with the dilemma engine exposed or not? I know some people on here firmly believe in showing the fine lines and buttoning up. I, however see the engines as 50% of the story with WWII aircraft. So here is my latest build of [...]

Jack Satchell

Friend of mine's Grandfather was S/Ldr. W A J Satchell ((link)). He gave me access to the log books for which I am extremely grateful and he has given me permission to share them here. I have built two Hurricanes for him. One - WX-L- [...]

Revell BF110G-4 Aims Conversion

I am fascinated by these aircraft. Deadly to Lancaster crews right up to the end, even as the day skies belonged to the Allies. This is Martin "Tino" Becker's aircraft. If you don't like resin/ PE/ CA glue or vaccform look away [...]