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Carmelo Rodrigo
17 articles

Merkava mk1 hybrid

June 28, 2020 · in Armor · · 6 · 2.7K

A .
Many years ago I built the Tamiya Merkava and lost it.
Some time ago I found an offer for this model made by Takom and decided to buy it to assemble it when there was time.
This specific tank model is one of the ones that I find most elegant if a tank can be called elegant.
But it has always had very different lines from the rest of the tanks of its generation.
Regarding the model, good quality, good assembly, perhaps the tracks, I think they are the fairest pieces, but nothing that cannot be fixed by buying other ones that exist in upgrade kits.
In summary a good time riding and painting it


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5  Awesome 1 

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6 responses

  1. Most excellent depiction of motion! Love the dust and the flag flying. I'd never seen that type of tank before, but it looks very sleek and streamlined. Great build!

  2. Profile Photo
    said on June 28, 2020

    Great job you got the dust bang on very realistic.

  3. Great model and great diorama, Carmello!
    I agree with you that the Merkava has specific gorgeous looks.

  4. Carmelo, that is am amazing diorama. I don't think I've ever seen dust clouds modeled before; really cool!



  5. Nice! I wish that I had the skill set for dio's like this.

  6. Profile Photo
    said on July 17, 2020

    Awesome job! Loved the dust cloud an flapping flag in the wind! Kudos to your work!

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