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Rob Anderson
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June 11, 2020 · in Uncategorized · 9 · 1.7K

BIG it's SO BIG! Started on the engine.

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6  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. If nothing else I can say I appreciate your taste in beer. I really enjoyed that particular bottle when I got it up in Washington while I lived there. It should be a really enjoyable and BIG build! Have fun!

  2. It's big and lovely.
    That engine looks great!

  3. One of my favourite things about modelling is all the reading I 'have' to do for context and historical accuracy.

  4. I‘ll be following along, looks like an exciting ride judging by the size of both the kit and the background investigation... super detailing I’m guessing

  5. So far the instructions leave a lot to be desired. The engine got put to this point by figuring out what fit where looking at pictures of the real thing. The instructions have some things mislabeled or transposed.

  6. Good morning Rob, something Trumpeter is known for on a lot of their kits is instructions that are not accurate. This where experience pays off with all the prior builds and a working knowledge of aircraft. Recall the maintenance manuals on the various aircraft you worked with.

  7. Well, like the others, I think you're off to a great start! I look forward to more!

  8. Thanks guys, I shall persevere. The detail is great, glad I have good references!

  9. One of my favorites. I look forward to watching your progress.

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